Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Ocala Home Window Tint Is Just One Way to Reduce Energy Consumption

Window tint professionals apply Ocala home window tint films to your home's windows in order to cut down on the radiant heating that occurs when bright sunlight impinges on windows. These window films successfully block ultraviolet rays without obscuring your view of the outside. Placed on south-facing windows, these window tints can significantly reduce your air conditioning system's cooling burden.

Benefits of Home Window Tint

Not only do home window tints cut down on bright sunlight making your home too warm, they allow you to enjoy your view since you won't need heavy curtains to block bright sunlight. Tint makes it harder for people to see into your home, and if a window should be struck by a rock, large hailstone, or another object, the film helps keep the broken window together rather than scattering broken glass everywhere.

Using Ocala Solar Lights to Illuminate Your Home

Window tints are one way to reduce energy consumption, and Ocala solar lights are another. People have been using skylights since ancient times, and today's "solar tube" lights efficiently and effectively bring natural daylight into your home without overheating it. This reduces the amount of artificial light you have to use, cutting energy consumption.

Bringing Daylight to Dark Interior Spaces

Solar tube lighting is the perfect solution for that interior bathroom, laundry room, or closet that's hard to illuminate. These lights give you beautiful, natural daylight while preserving your privacy. And should you decide later on to sell your house, solar tube lighting will make your home more desirable. In the meantime, you get to light your home without adding more artificial light.

Improve Your Home While Cutting Energy Costs

Homeowners today are more aware of energy usage than ever. Not only do they want to cut their own costs, but they want their homes to be more environmentally friendly as well. Window tint films and solar tube lighting are just two of the many great ways you can reduce home energy consumption while making your house more enjoyable. Investing up front for more energy efficiency long term is one of the smartest moves today's homeowner can make.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Orlando Solar Star and Huper Optik: Better Living Through Solar Solutions

Orlando offers one of the most beautiful climates for year-round living, but the summer heat can become oppressive. For most homeowners, lighting and environment control consume high amounts of energy, raising energy bills and contributing to an artificial environment that can be harmful over the long term. Solar-powered products offer multiple solutions that provide natural lighting and ventilation for homeowners in Orlando. SolarStar and Huper Optik are two of the most popular solar powered solutions for Florida homeowners. Here’s a look at these two popular solutions and how they’re used in Orlando.

Huper Optik

Huper Optik window films help reduce energy bills and make your home more comfortable by reducing the amount of UV rays coming through your windows. If you live in Orlando, Huper Optik can allow you to enjoy natural sunlight without the additional heat that the Florida sunshine generates inside your home. As a result, your house stays cooler even though your air conditioner is working less. In addition, Huper Optik window films provide other benefits that will please the typical homeowner.

                       ·          Enjoy the increased privacy and added security that tinted window films provide. People outside can’t see in.

                       ·          Enjoy an improved view as the UV filters reduce glare and make looking out on the sunlit landscape easier on your eyes.

                       ·          Preserve your furniture and carpeting. The UV filters reduce the fading effect of harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun.
For solar filtering, Huper Optik is one of the most trusted products in Orlando.

Solar Star

While your air conditioner may make your house feel cooler even on the hottest days, the Orlando sunshine takes its toll on your energy bill. Solar heat gets trapped in your attic, where it transfers to your living space, forcing your air conditioner to work harder to cool your home. As one of the most trusted solar products names in Orlando, Solar Star solar-powered fans provide ventilation for your attic without increasing your energy bills. These are just a few of the benefits homeowners realize with Solar Star attic fans.

                       ·          Cooler homes. Solar Star fans reduce heat buildup in your attic and keep your entire home cooler in the summer.

                       ·          Dryer attics. Ventilation provided by Solar Star fans helps reduce moisture buildup in your attic, reducing the incidence of mold, mildew and rot.

                       ·          Reduced energy bills. Solar Star fans don’t use any electricity because they’re powered by solar voltaic cells. Their ventilating capabilities take a bite out of your energy bills, though, by keeping the heat down in the attic and reducing the work your air conditioner has to do.
If you live in Orlando, Solar Star and Huper Optik should be high on your list of home improvements that will pay back your investment while improving your quality of life for years to come.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Orlando Home Window Tint Specialists Make Homes More Comfortable

When you arrange for residential window tint in South Florida, Ocala or Orlando home window tint specialists arrive with the product and apply the tint film on the interior side of the window. The windows must be thoroughly cleaned and measured. Film is cut to fit your windows exactly, the protective lining is removed to expose the adhesive, and the film is carefully placed on the window, sometimes with the help of a wetting solution.

Will Window Tint Keep Summer Heat Out?

Yes. Orlando and Ocala home window tint professionals are able to make your home much more energy efficient by blocking heat transfer through your windows. Rooms that were once uncomfortably hot despite air conditioning will be much cooler and your HVAC system will not have to work as hard. Your energy bills could drop by up to 30%.

Will Window Tint Spoil My View?

Ceramic window films are designed to block out ultraviolet and infrared light while blocking only minimal amounts of visible light. From the inside, your view will be as beautiful as ever, and at the same time, privacy is enhanced because seeing into your home from the outside is more difficult.

Will It Keep My Furnishings From Fading?

Aside from energy savings, protection of interior furnishings is one of the main reasons homeowners call their Orlando or Ocala home window tint professionals. When infrared and ultraviolet light is blocked, furniture, floor, and window treatment fading is no longer a problem. Expensive artwork is protected from light damage, yet the amount of visible light your windows transmit is hardly reduced at all.

What About My Window Warranty?

Some window manufacturers void your warranty when you have window tint applied, and others do not. However, some types of window tint come with a manufacturer's warranty that also warrants against glass seal failure for three years as long as the windows retain their original seal before tint is applied. Some products also warrant against thermal shock fracture for up to five years. You have much to gain and nothing to lose if you choose to have window tint professionally applied to your South Florida home windows.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Buy Natural Light Tubular Skylights to Brighten Your Home

Living in Florida is great because you are lucky enough to have sunny, warm, cloudless days often. And when those sunny days happen, you likely don’t want to be stuck inside, but instead absorb that great natural light that gives you much needed nutrients. A good way to brighten up your home is to add sunlight in rooms that are dim instead of using artificial light. When choosing a skylight, however, you should shy away from the traditional and look to Orlando natural light tubular skylights. There are a multitude of reasons why Orlando tubular skylights are better than the traditional skylights you are used to.

Why are Orlando Tubular Skylights Better?

  • These skylights are more energy efficient. Their shaft keeps the transfer of cold or heat, depending on the weather outside, into your home to a minimum. Traditional skylights generate heat and you can end up spending extra money to cool a certain room in the summer because the skylight is heating up the area. The light from Orlando natural light tubular skylights is also diffused within the tube and evenly dispersed around the room. That means the sunlight is not focused to one area, which can make it too bright and uncomfortable.
  • Orlando tubular skylights are a great choice because they absorb harmful UV rays that are not blocked by traditional skylights. These UV rays can affect people who spend elongated amounts of time underneath them trying to enjoy the light, and the rays can also have a bleaching effect on furniture and carpets. Orlando tubular skylights absorb 99% of UV rays, so you do not have to worry about that happening.
  • Orlando tubular skylights are also cheaper and easier to install than traditional skylights. There is no major damage or fundamental changes that need to be made to your roof to make the tubular skylight fit. They also tend to have a much longer warranty than traditional skylights. The warranty for Orlando natural light tubular skylights may vary depending on where you purchase them, but in general, they are usually more reliable in the long run.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Make a Better Decision with an Orlando Solatube

If you have decided to add a skylight to your home, you may be thinking about installing a traditional skylight. You might make that decision because that is what you already have in your home, that is what your neighbor has or you just don’t know that there are other options. Before you make that decision, however, you should make yourself aware of Ocala tubularskylights. Many people find these untraditional skylights to be more economical, attractive and let in more light.

How Do Ocala Tubular Skylights Work?

Ocala tubular skylights are revolutionary but still easy to understand how they work. There is a dome that is on the top of your roof. The sun is collected in the dome and it then travels through the shaft into whatever room you have the skylight placed in. Inside the Orlando solatube shaft is a reflective system. It bounces the sunlight inside to disperse it evenly among the whole room. That way the sunlight is not focused in one area, which is how a traditional skylight forces the sunlight to behave. The focused sunlight can fade upholstery and heat a room. Tubular skylights can even work when the sun is at a low angle, which is not possible for a traditional skylight. The dome on your roof is also outfitted with a seam so that no leaks will occur and it also prevents the dome from cracking when the temperature changes. Traditional skylight seams can crack over time and water can seep in. That means you have to do maintenance with your traditional skylight that you do not need to do with an Orlando solatube.
How Will Ocala tubular skylights Save You Money?

  • Installation is cheaper.
  • No need for maintenance on the seam of the Orlando solatube.
  • You will save money on your lighting bill. If you are getting more natural light in your home, you will not need to turn on your lights. That means your electricity bill will be lower. It will also mean you will not need to buy light bulbs as often.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Have You Heard of Orlando Natural Light Tubular Skylights?

A Low-Tech Solution in a High-Tech World Most people are used to high technology solving problems, but sometimes a simple, low-tech solution is available that can't be beat. Orlando natural light tubular skylights are perfect examples. These tubular skylights are cost-effective, easy to install, and require no maintenance. Rooms are lit by sunlight, which is the most comfortable light for the human eye. You can get the equivalent of 1,800 Watts of light, with nearly 70% less heat than is made by incandescent bulbs. How Do Orlando Tubular Skylights Work? This type of skylight consists of a clear dome located on the roof connected to a reflective tube. Sunlight enters the tube and the light is guided to the ceiling of the room in which the tube is placed. A translucent "lens" gently diffuses light throughout the room. Natural light does not distort colors and is far more appealing to the eye than artificial light. What About Heat and Air Conditioning Loss? Summers can be brutally hot in Florida, but natural light tubular skylights are designed with a high "R" factor, which minimizes heat transfer into the tube. Your air conditioned air will not escape through your tubular skylight, and in winter, heat won't escape through it either. As skylights go, these are some of the most energy efficient designs you can get. Just think: free sunlight and reduced need for electric light bulbs. Great Locations for Tubular Skylights Interior rooms without windows are ideal locations for Orlando tubular skylights . Homeowners find these skylights greatly beneficial for: • Hallways • Stairwells • Kitchens • Walk-in closets • Laundry rooms But tubular skylights aren't just for homes. Schools, hospitals, government facilities, retail businesses, and offices are discovering just how beautifully-lit spaces can be with natural sunlight. With savings from less dependence on artificial lighting and lack of heat transfer through tubular skylights, they make great economic sense too. Beautiful Light for Your Home, School, or Business If you're looking for a lighting solution that is environmentally friendly, aesthetically appealing, and that can lower your utility bills, tubular skylights may be just the solution you're looking for.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Solar Powered Attic Fan Makes Home Greener

If your attic is not well-ventilated, your air conditioning system has to work extra hard. And with Florida's high humidity levels, extra moisture can work its way through the ceiling, where it condenses, saturating insulation and encouraging growth of mold and other microorganisms. Plywood de-lamination is another possible problem. A solar powered attic fan can prevent these problems without adding to your electric bill. Use Florida's Abundant Sunlight to Power an Attic Fan They don't call Florida the "Sunshine State" for nothing. But in the summer, air conditioning systems can struggle to keep up with the high temperatures and humidity levels. An Orlando solar powered attic fan supplier can install an attic fan that blows out hot air trapped in attics, helping air conditioning systems work more efficiently. Better still, this fan is powered by sunlight! But attic fans aren't the only "green" solutions that take advantage of Florida sunlight. Benefits of Natural Daylighting The human eye loves natural daylight. It's flattering, and most people find it easier to read or accomplish other tasks in spaces lit by natural light. Whether you live in Gainesville, Orlando, Daytona, or Ocala natural light tubular skylights can be added to your home to bring daylight even to rooms with no exterior windows. They're an affordable, beautiful alternative to traditional skylights. Getting Daylight to Hard-to-Reach Spaces Tubular skylights are high-performance, natural lighting systems that use optics to grab sunlight and transfer it into your home's kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, or even closets! You get natural light levels of a much larger skylight or window at an affordable price. What's more, these systems install in only a few hours. Smart Solutions for Greener Homes If you live in Orlando, Daytona, Gainesville, The Villages, or Ocala natural light tubular skylights and solar powered attic fans are great ways to make your home "greener." You can save on air conditioning and lighting costs while enjoying a more beautiful and comfortable home. Every hour you don't have a light on or your air conditioner running is an hour that less electrical energy is needed. Investing in energy efficient home solutions is long term planning at its smartest.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Solar Lighting Can Save You Money

These days it is important to a lot of people to be green, and to conserve energy as much as possible. This is important because of the impact to the environment as well as the reality of rising energy costs. It can be expensive to heat or cool your home now and many families are looking for ways that can help lower their bills and lessen the impact to the environment. Solar Lights Provide Natural Light People all over the world feel this way, not just people in Orlando. Solar lights are becoming more and more popular because rather than using fossil fuels, they harness the energy of the sun to light your home or businesses. Not only that, but they provide natural light instead of artificial light. There is one such revolutionary product that you can find in Orlando: solar tubes. Solar tubes are used when conventional skylights won’t work. Provide Sunlight To The Entire Room A company that installs Orlando solar tubes will install a fixture to the top of your house. Then, sunlight is captured in the dome on the roof and moves down by a reflector into a tube that goes through your attic. It is then delivered to a fixture that can provide sunlight throughout the room. The fixtures can have lenses that offer you choices to change the lighting to warmer or cooler light, and you’ll have options like dimmer switches. Consistent Lighting The sunlight differs from day to day and even hour to hour in Orlando. Solar tubes, however, will provide consistent lighting throughout the day. They reject harsh midday sunlight and can redirect lower angle sunlight from early mornings or from winter days. Instead of the variety of light that you would get from a traditional skylight, you will have consistent daylight all through the day. Look Into Solar Lights If you are looking at different lighting options in your home or business in Orlando, solar lights are a great way to direct natural light all through the day. They are also great for the environment and can save you quite a bit of money. Look into solar lights today.