Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Orlando Home Window Tint Specialists Make Homes More Comfortable

When you arrange for residential window tint in South Florida, Ocala or Orlando home window tint specialists arrive with the product and apply the tint film on the interior side of the window. The windows must be thoroughly cleaned and measured. Film is cut to fit your windows exactly, the protective lining is removed to expose the adhesive, and the film is carefully placed on the window, sometimes with the help of a wetting solution.

Will Window Tint Keep Summer Heat Out?

Yes. Orlando and Ocala home window tint professionals are able to make your home much more energy efficient by blocking heat transfer through your windows. Rooms that were once uncomfortably hot despite air conditioning will be much cooler and your HVAC system will not have to work as hard. Your energy bills could drop by up to 30%.

Will Window Tint Spoil My View?

Ceramic window films are designed to block out ultraviolet and infrared light while blocking only minimal amounts of visible light. From the inside, your view will be as beautiful as ever, and at the same time, privacy is enhanced because seeing into your home from the outside is more difficult.

Will It Keep My Furnishings From Fading?

Aside from energy savings, protection of interior furnishings is one of the main reasons homeowners call their Orlando or Ocala home window tint professionals. When infrared and ultraviolet light is blocked, furniture, floor, and window treatment fading is no longer a problem. Expensive artwork is protected from light damage, yet the amount of visible light your windows transmit is hardly reduced at all.

What About My Window Warranty?

Some window manufacturers void your warranty when you have window tint applied, and others do not. However, some types of window tint come with a manufacturer's warranty that also warrants against glass seal failure for three years as long as the windows retain their original seal before tint is applied. Some products also warrant against thermal shock fracture for up to five years. You have much to gain and nothing to lose if you choose to have window tint professionally applied to your South Florida home windows.


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