Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Reduce Your Home's Cooling Demand and Cut Energy Usage

Who doesn't look at their utility bill and wish they could spend less to have a comfortable home? Yet installing solar panels is a much bigger and more expensive project than most people can reasonably undertake. Fortunately, there are many other options. Call The Solar Guys: we're the Huper Optik tint specialists, and we offer other methods for reducing your home's energy demand, including solar powered attic fans.

Window Tint Film Reduces a Home's Cooling Burden
Huper Optik tint specialists apply a transparent film to home windows to reduce the amount of sunlight transmitted through and cutting down on the hot spots that occur when sunlight hits unprotected windows. These window tint films do not compromise your view, yet they make a major difference in the burden on your home's air conditioning system. And most people won't even know the films are there.

Other Benefits of Window Tint Film
Window tint film has benefits beyond cutting down on the hot sunlight beating through windows. It doesn't compromise your view out, but it does make it harder for people to see into your home, increasing your privacy. And if a window is shattered by a projectile, the film helps hold the pieces together, improving safety by reducing flying glass.

Solar Attic Fans Make a Real Difference in Cooling Costs
Attics trap solar heat gained through the roof. This excess heat is transferred into living spaces, putting more strain on the cooling system. When attics are insufficiently ventilated, high humidity can cause damp insulation and cause plywood to deteriorate. A solar powered attic fan is powered by sunlight, with no electricity required. Hot air is blown out of the attic before it transfers into the living space, significantly reducing cooling burden.

Simple Changes Make a Big Difference in Energy Efficiency
You do not have to retrofit your home with a solar array to significantly cut utility costs. Specially designed window tint films and solar powered attic fans make your home more comfortable in the summer and keep utility bills under control. At The Solar Guys, we can work with the home you have and make it much more energy efficient and comfortable.

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